
Woman raped by knife-wielding vagabond

POLICE in Bulawayo have arrested a vagrant for allegedly raping a woman at knife point at one of the city’s recreational parks.

The homeless man, identified as Thabani Nameda, resides in a bushy area near the park.

Bulawayo police spokesperson Abednico Ncube yesterday said Nameda waylaid the woman, whose name has been withheld, while she walked through a footpath at the Centenary Park around 6pm on Sunday.

“On the 23rd of January 2022 at around 6pm, the complainant, a female adult aged 28 of Mzilikazi, Bulawayo, was walking alone in a bushy area near Fourth Avenue extension behind Eveline High School when she was approached by a vagrant who stays in a bushy area near Fourth Avenue extension,” he said.

Ncube said the accused allegedly ordered his victim to strip naked and kneel before him, before he raped her.

“The vagrant grabbed the complainant from behind and produced an okapi knife whilst ordering her to remain quiet and kneel down. He then told the complainant to remove her skirt and underwear while he was removing all his clothes. He then put on a condom and had protected sexual intercourse with the complainant without her consent,” he added.

Ncube said the complainant escaped from the scene half naked while calling for help.

He said the accused person attempted to flee, but was apprehended by a man who effected a citizen’s arrest.

The police urged residents to avoid being isolated in secluded places as they were at risk of being preyed on by criminals.

“We appeal to the public not to use footpaths leading to bushy areas where they risk being raped. Our general public is commended for the efforts in the fight against crime. The rapist was apprehended by an alert member of the public and should everybody emulate him, Bulawayo will be a safer place to live and do business,” said Ncube.