Phillip Valerio Sibanda.
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ZDF — A critical player in infrastructure development

THE Zimbabwe Defence Forces (ZDF) fully supports all development initiatives being spearheaded by the government as it strives to uplift people’s lives, says ZDF Commander General Phillip Valerio Sibanda.

At the recent commissioning of Tongogara Clinic in Shurugwi, which was built by the ZDF in line with its mandate of assisting communities during peacetime, Sibanda said construction of the facility tied in with wider national development plans.

“The construction of this polyclinic is in line with the Second Republic’s endeavours to develop health infrastructure, which have resulted in many clinics being built, upgraded or repaired as the country goes into overdrive to improve the health sector,” he said.

“The ultimate goal of constructing Tongogara Clinic was reducing the cost of travelling to Shurugwi District Hospital by bringing essential health facilities nearer the communities. This is in line with the government’s policy that people should not travel more than 10 kilometres to access health care services.”
The clinic includes admission facilities and maternity wards, as well as paediatric, casualty and emergency sections.

Tongogara Clinic is one of several corporate social responsibility projects completed by the military ahead of Tuesday’s celebration of Defence Forces Day.
Every year, in the seven days leading to the Defence Forces Day, a ZDF Community Assistance Week is observed during which the military hands over projects to communities throughout the country.

Apart from Tongogara Clinic, the ZDF last week also handed over classroom blocks at Gurungweni Secondary School in Chikombedzi, Mbamba Clinic in Tsholotsho and a four-classroom block at Nyavira Secondary School in Nyabira.

Officially opening ZDF Community Assistance Week last Monday, Defence and War Veterans minister Oppah Muchinguri-Kashiri underscored the defence forces’ efforts to partner the government in implementing development projects.

“The ZDF remains a critical stakeholder in the infrastructural development pillar as it implements projects under the National Development strategy 1. By the same token, the ZDF has a strong capacity to contribute to the national, educational and health development initiatives under Vision 2030,” said Muchinguri-Kashiri.

She added that ZDF medical teams would offer free medical assistance in conjunction with the Health and Child Care ministry ahead of Defence Forces Day.
“The Defence Forces medical team will conduct a free medical outreach programme at Gurungweni Secondary School in Chikombedzi and Idube Clinic in Wedza, which will cover general consultation and eye treatment,” said the Defence and War Veterans minister.

This year’s 43rd Defence Forces Day celebrations will run under the theme ‘Brick by brick, Stone upon stone — Zimbabwe Defence Forces: Creating a conducive environment for the attainment of Vision 2030’’.

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