Old Mutual Group chief executive Samuel Matsekete
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Top companies receive honours

THE country’s powerhouse listed firms will be feted at the prestigious Top Companies Survey Awards to be held in Harare tonight.

The esteemed annual accolades, now in their 44th year, are organised by The Financial Gazette — the country’s number one business publication and prime voice for local industry and commerce — in close partnership with blue-chip financial services giant, Old Mutual(OM).

Speaking ahead of tonight’s high-profile awards ceremony, the group chief executive of Old Mutual Zimbabwe, Sam Matsekete, said the theme for this year’s awards — ‘Sustainable Investment for Social Impact’ — was a fitting tribute to the winners whose businesses had prospered while showing a strong commitment to social responsibility and environmental care.

“This is a significant milestone for corporate Zimbabwe, pushing for enhanced transparency and accountability beyond purely financial measures. “Companies must now report on crucial ESG-related metrics such as emissions, energy consumption, and waste management.

“This step, which is in keeping with global standards like the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) and the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS), is designed to ensure that businesses are not only judged by financial success, but also by how they manage their contribution and impact on the environment and society,” Matsekete said.

“Sustainability is not just an addon. It should be viewed and treated as a strategic imperative if business must survive within the societal and environmental ecosystem,” he added.

Scotland-based Zimbabwean Artificial Intelligence (AI) and sustainability expert, Ephias Ruhode, will be the guest of honour at the awards.

The Managing Director of Modus Media, the publishers of The Financial Gazette — Lewis Chikurunhe — paid tribute to OM Zimbabwe for its enduring commitment to ethical and sustainable business development and practices in the country.

“First launched many moons ago in 1980, to recognise top-performing companies on the local bourse, the Top Companies Survey has continued to grow and to evolve in line with the changing dynamics in the local, regional and global operating environment.

“Today, it is widely recognised as the most authoritative barometer for local and international investors on the performance of companies in Zimbabwe’s banking, insurance, and life assurance sectors, and those listed on the Zimbabwe and Victoria Falls Stock Exchanges.

“The survey aims to promote good corporate governance practices, corporate social responsibility and overall performance in terms of investor returns, while also providing a platform for thought leadership and networking among corporate leaders and other guests,” Chikurunhe said.

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