Deputy sports minister Emily Jesaya, flanked by NatFoods, Group CE Mike Lashbrook, left, and minister of Skills Audit and Development, Paul Mavima during the NatFoods School of Excellence Training Camp launch in Harare yesterday. Pic: Brighton Goko

NatFoods school of excellence launched

By Cloud Fusire

THE Northern Region Women Football League (NRWSL) yesterday launched the National Foods School of Excellence that will see at least 80 female football players from across the country undergoing a two-week training camp from today up to December 22 at Ellis Robins High School in the capital.

The initiative, which started last year with only players from the Northern Region taking part, has now expanded to nurture young female players from all provinces National Food being the main sponsor of the initiative that is meant to promote the girl child. Speaking at the launch on behalf of Sport minister Kirsty Coventry, her minister Emily Jesaya applauded the NRWSL for the initiative.
“This initiative … is not merely about football; it symbolises our commitment to excellence across all spheres of our nation.
“…we understand that excellence is not an option but a necessity for progress and development. This … is a testament to our collective aspiration to engender excellence in every profession, trade, and skill that contributes to the growth of our great nation.
“As we celebrate the launch of this training camp, let us also address the pressing issue of social ills. I implore our young athletes to channel their energy towards self-improvement, acquiring professional and life skills that will not only benefit them individually but will uplift our entire nation and we extend our heartfelt gratitude to National Foods Limited for their generous sponsorship …
“Their commitment to investing in our youth and fostering excellence is commendable. I call upon other companies to follow this noble example…that contribute to the holistic development of our nation,” said Jesaya.
National Foods Limited Group Chief Executive Officer Mike Lashbrook vowed to continue helping and promoting the initiative.
“National Foods Limited is proud to partner … in supporting this excellent initiative, which aims to empower girls not only through intensive football skills training, but also through equipping the girls with key life skills…
“This initiative is an excellent fit with NatFoods corporate social programme, where we seek to give back to the communities who make our products and brands what they are,” Lashbrook  said.
NRWF Vice chairperson Colonel Winnet Murota welcomed the support from NatFoods noting that the School of Excellence Camp also intends to ensure a basic level of breast cancer and cervical cancer awareness, gender based violence reporting mechanisms and prevention of new HIV infections.

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