PUBLIC broadcaster, ZBC, has suspended its chief executive officer (CEO) Adelaide Chikunguru with immediate effect, the board confirmed yesterday in a statement.“The…
THE government says they have entered into partnerships with various foreign companies to rehabilitate the country’s railway system.This comes as three National…
THE government has given millers the green light to import genetically modified (GMO) maize from South Africa, as authorities strive to ensure…
THE government has revised the Continuous Assessment of Learning Activities (Cala) in schools by reducing the number of assessed subjects.This comes after…
LEADING milk processor, Dairibord Zimbabwe, and USAID-funded Feed the Future Zimbabwe Fostering Agribusiness for Resilient Markets (FARM) Activity, recently entered into a…
CENTRES to protect girls and women against gender-based violence (GBV) and rape victims are being established across the country.Under the banner, ‘Women…
AUTHORITIES have promised to provide cushion allowances for ‘A’ Level and rural teachers in order to boost their morale.This was confirmed by…
A HARARE businesswoman is crying foul, after a coal miner unilaterally terminated a provision of security and consultative services agreement they had…
AUTHORITIES say they are in the process of repurposing the recently decommissioned Munyati Power Station by turning it into a solar energy…
MOTORISTS now have to pay more for registering their vehicles with the Central Vehicle Registry (CVR).This comes as the CVR has sharply…