Top Stories

New ZiG prices for fuel now out

By Brandon JosphatUNDER pressure authorities have now moved to announce new fuel prices in both the Zimbabwe Gold (ZiG) and US dollars.This…

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Stepdad caged 10 years for attempted rape

Yvonne Ncubein BULAWAYOA BULAWAYO man from Luveve suburb has been slapped with an effective 10-year prison sentence after he was found guilty…

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Top Stories

Government, civil servants find each other

By Masimba Makwembere and Bryn MatongoTHE government and representatives of civil servants have agreed to regularly engage in dialogue to promote progressive…

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Life & Arts

Njonda Power back with new offering

By Ashley MoyoSUNGURA musician Patrick ‘Njonda Power’ Mupindu is back with a new scorcher titled Hupenyu Hwangu.The six track project is made…

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Top Stories

Death penalty abolishment hearings begin

By Brandon Josphat will start public hearings across the country today to gather citizens’ views on the proposed abolishment of the…

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Herd boy steals 30 goats, spared jail

Yvonne Ncube in BULAWAYOA 23-YEAR-OLD man from Fort Rixon in Matabeleland South Province has been spared jail after stealing 30 goats from…

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Arenel Movers hold log leaders Highlanders

Nash Mkokwayarira at BARBOURFIELDS STADIUM Arenel Movers…………0 Highlanders ……………..0CASTLE Lager Premier Soccer League debutants Arenel Movers held Highlanders to a goalless draw…

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Schweppes refurbishes Mpilo Hospital ward

By Yvonne Ncube in BULAWAYOSCHWEPPES Holdings Limited has refurbished a ward at Mpilo Hospital to complement government efforts in improving surgical care…

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