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Mugabe sneaks back into Zim

HARARE –  Warring Zanu PF factions, which were hoping to use President Robert Mugabe’s return home from his month-long holiday in the…

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Zim has only $300mln in circulation

HARARE – Zimbabwe has $304 million hard cash in circulation including $73 million in bond notes as of January 2017, about a…

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Mthwakazi to challenge Zanu PF in 2018 election

BULAWAYO – Opposition secessionist party, Mtwhakazi Republic Party (MRP),  will field local government and parliamentary candidates to challenge President Robert Mugabe’s Zanu…

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#Tajamuka chickens out

HARARE – Vendors and #Tajamuka activists yesterday failed to show up for a demonstration they had called in the Harare central business…

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Brace for 3 days of heavy rains: Met

HARARE – The Meteorological Services Department (Met) has advised that most parts of Zimbabwe will receive even heavier rains in the next…

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Zanu PF war turns sinister

HARARE – As Zanu PF’s ugly tribal, factional and succession wars continue to escalate, angry war veterans have threatened to beat up…

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