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Zimbabwean accused of kidnapping brags about living soft life in SA prison

SOUTH Africa’s department of correctional services says it is appalled and incensed by a video making rounds on social media showing an inmate bragging about how happy he is in a prison and listing all the free things he gets there.

According to the man, those who put him in prison and thought he would suffer were very wrong because not only is he not buying his own toiletries and having three meals a day, but he will get free education as well.

In the video, the man — wearing yellow prison gear — is sur rounded by other inmates. He waves and says: “Hello haters, you put us in prison and think that we are suffering? No, my brother, we are doing extremely fine.

“Look at how happy we are. This morning we had breakfast, and in the afternoon we had lunch. We are about to have dinner.” He then bursts out laughing while other inmates join in the laughter. He then continues: “We are doing extremely fine, we are not suffering at all.”

The man then lists all the other benefits he gets in prison such as free toiletries, not paying rent, not buying electricity while he and other inmates laugh. “We are happy. If you think we are suffering, you are wrong,” he says as they all laugh again.

Spokesperson for the department, Singabakho Nxumalo, said the man is called Bornface Banks. “He is a Zimbabwean national remanded at Goodwood Cor rectional Centre for kidnapping allegations. A search exercise was conducted and the used cellphone was confiscated.

“DCS is deeply incensed by this behaviour and there shall be strong action and consequences. “Mobile phones are defined as contraband in correctional centres hence illegal access and usage is a punishable offence,” Nxumalo said, adding that there was no soft life in prison.

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