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Tobaiwa Mudede assault charges withdrawn

Tobaiwa Mudede


FORMER Registrar General Tobaiwa Mudede, 79, has had assault charges, in which he was accused of beating his daughter in-law, Michelle Masawi, withdrawn.

Masawi told the court yesterday that she had decided to solve their issues amicably.

“I wish to withdraw the charges against… Mudede because he is my father-in- law and I do not want to keep straining relations between him and his son,” Masawi said.

Mudede had, however, denied ever assaulting his daughter-in-law and he even disowned her in court.

The State alleged that in November 2021 at around 1800 hours and in the company of her husband, Masawi allegedly went to her father in-law’s place of residence in Borrowdale, Harare.

After some time, Masawi   allegedly left the place and went back to their matrimonial house, which is reportedly in the same neighbourhood and the husband followed her.

The court heard that when  her husband arrived at their house, he called Masawi to his room where they reportedly had a misunderstanding and the  husband started slapping and beating her with a broomstick all over her body.

According to State papers, Masawi reportedly tried to seek refuge in their motor vehicle, which was parked outside the gate, but the husband chased after her.

Masawi`s husband allegedly followed into the said car and continued assaulting her by strangling her as she screamed for help.

The State further alleged that Mudede, together with his other family members, rushed to the motor vehicle and upon arrival, he advanced towards his daughter-in-law and started slapping her.

Vincent Chidembo appeared for the state.

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