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Sabi Star Mine completes US$180k community clinic

BUHERA-BASED Sabi Star Mine has completed the construction of a state-of-art Mukubu Community Clinic and the procurement of medical equipment as the lithium miner seeks to improve access to healthcare for the surrounding community.

Mukubu Community Clinic construction commenced two years ago, and the health facility has already been handed over to Buhera Rural District Council (RDC), which is running the facility.

The health centre was built by Sabi Star Mine parent company, Max Mind Investments Zimbabwe, to help the local community which was facing difficulties to access basic health care.

The state-of-the-art clinic, with modern equipment and a pharmacy, looks set to ease the burden on the local community which had to walk for several kilometres to access health care at either Chiweshe or Chiwenga clinics. “The cumulative cost to construct and furnish the clinic is around US$220 000. We have already handed over the health centre to Buhera RDC.

“We are confident that the local community will benefit from this health facility. This is because we value the wellbeing of the community in which we do business,” Sabi Star Mine manager, Oswald Makonese said.

Mukubu Clinic construction started as an initiative by the local community before it was taken over by Sabi Star Mine. This came after the mine realised a gap in the health care delivery system in Buhera North ward 12 community.

“We had two health centres in the ward which serviced a population of around 13 000 people. We approached the mine for help to construct the clinic.

“Fortunately, the mine gave us a favourable response and agreed to fund the construction and purchase of medical equipment. We are grateful to the mine for such a gesture,” Ward 12 councillor James Mhlanga said.

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