Editorial Comment

Probe into food aid abuse critical

WE WELCOME revelations by Agriculture minister Anxious Masuka that the government has opened investigations into suspected looting of food aid meant for…

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560 exhibitors for Zimbabwe Agricultural Show

By Stella Madzivanyika madzivanyikas@dailynews.comAT LEAST 560 exhibitors, including foreign companies, are expected to showcase their products at the year’s Zimbabwe Agricultural Show…

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Conservation to benefit 600 000 in 3 countries

By Masimba Makwembere makwemberemv@dailynews.co.zwOVER 600 000 people in Zimbabwe, Mozambique and Zambia are set to benefit from the Zimbabwe-MozambiqueZambia Trans-Frontier Conservation Area…

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Zimbabwe moves to curb bilharzia

By Ketty NyoniZIMBABWE will launch a national mass drug administration exercise for bilharzia and other tropical diseases in September this year.The campaign…

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