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WestProp rehabilitating sewer line

WESTPROP Holdings is also rehabilitating the dilapidated sewer line in Borrowdale West between its two developments of Pokugara and Millennium Heights in line with an agreement with City of Harare.

The company was given a precondition “to install an additional pumping regime to cater for the incoming 2,1 million litres of wastewater per day from Millennium Heights and Pokugara together with the related electro-mechanical ancillaries at own cost”.

The work to be done would be “at city of Harare’s standards and specifications”.

The conditions further stipulated that the new pipes would connect to the Vainona pump station which was upgraded by WestProp with the upgrades commissioned on 20 September 2017.

To support the wastewater system, WestProp has already installed water reservoirs supplying water to the two luxury developments.

For wastewater to move through the reticulation there must be enough water to aid the movement of the waste in the reticulation pipes.

Many people have been failing to build their properties after spending much of their investment in purchasing the land.

However, the new scheme is a reversal of the norm which now allows prospective home owners to spend on the structure and lease the land on which their house is built and very concessionary rates.

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