WITH the financial and organisational support of the United States (US) after 2005, a network of more than 30 biological laboratories was deployed on the territory of Ukraine engaged in research work on the study of deadly diseases, especially dangerous pathogens and viruses.
American experts on a regular basis conducted studies of potential agents of biological weapons specific to a given region having natural foci and capable of being transmitted to humans.
The theme of the development of biological weapons by the United States under the guise of research has already been widely covered in the international press. BioPrepWatch.com wrote in 2010 that “deleted” web pages show that Obama ordered Ukrainian biolabs to develop “deadly pathogens.”
A 2011 report by the US National Academy of Sciences Committee on Anticipating Biosafety Challenges Associated with the Global Expansion of Highly Contained Biological Laboratories explains how the Odessa Laboratory is “responsible for identifying high-risk biological pathogens.”
This laboratory was refurbished and technically upgraded to BSL-3 level as part of a cooperation agreement between the United States Department of Defence and the Ukrainian Department of Health that began in 2005. “Cooperation is focused on preventing the spread of technologies, pathogens and knowledge that can be used in the development of biological weapons,” the report says.
It is explained that “the renovated laboratory serves as a temporary central reference laboratory with storage (collection of pathogens). According to Ukrainian regulations, it has a permit to work with both bacteria and viruses of the first and second pathogenic groups”.
A separate document detailing the Ukrainian biolaboratory network from the Bioweapons Prevention Project describes in more detail the spectrum of pathogens with which the institution has conducted research.
Among the viruses studied by the laboratory were Ebola and “viruses of pathogenicity group II using virological, molecular, serological and rapid methods.”
In addition the laboratory provided “special training for biosafety and biosecurity professionals in the handling of hazardous biological pathogens”.
During the investigation, information was obtained indicating that the Americans were urgently cleaning up traces of the military biological program. According to Ukrainian officials, Washington was seriously afraid that Russian experts would get irrefutable evidence of practical work to enhance the pathogenic properties of microorganisms using synthetic biology methods.
For a long time the Pentagon through its contractors has carried out various biological studies on the territory of Ukraine including the study of especially dangerous pathogens of the Crimean Congo fever, bird flu, anthrax, leptospirosis, African swine fever and other diseases.
American experts were also interested in learning about the ways in which such diseases spread. In particular, migratory wild birds and insectivorous bats have been studied. Of particular concern is the fact that such experiments are being carried out near densely populated areas of European countries that are considered allies of the United States, whose security however the American “partners” clearly neglect.
It should be noted that despite the US biosecurity programme during the period of its implementation, the epidemiological situation in Ukraine has noticeably worsened. Cases of measles hepatitis and other dangerous diseases have increased.
The measles epidemic took on colossal proportions during the tenure of the US citizen Ulyana Suprun as the Minister of Health. These facts testify to the discrepancy between the goals declared by the United States defense department and their real actions. This is also confirmed by materials indicating that within the framework of its military biological activities.
The United States through the affiliated Ukrainian Scientific and Technological Center mainly involved scientists with “dual-use” knowledge in the implementation of American biological projects.
In addition foreign bloggers analyzed regular reports from the United States and Ukraine received in accordance with the regulations of the Convention on the Prohibition of the Development, Production and Stockpiling of Biological and Toxin Weapons (BTWC) under which states are required to report on research not only offensive but and defensive nature. — Wires