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Revive moribund business complexes

THE state of infrastructure in the country does not encourage investment into the nation, especially business complexes in most central business districts in Harare, Bulawayo, Gweru, Mutare and Masvingo.

They are now just moribund.

They have become an eyesore and it’s sad why the government is not taking action to spruce them up and also create a business case for them to remain functional.

We have noticed with concern in recent years that corporates are running away from the central business districts to set up shop in the suburbs where there is abundant parking spaces and cheap rentals.

Most business complexes in the suburbs, Mabelreign and Marlborough in Harare, for example, resemble a ghost town. They look as if one is in Mbare. The ambiance of a medium density is gone. Paint on buildings is peeling off and authorities seem not to care.

This is the state of most medium and low density complexes around the country. They are in a sorry state and the Second Republic under President Emmerson Mnangagwa must do something about it.

The country’s commercial buildings must look sparkling good, not the current state.

There is no doubt that Mnangagwa’s administration has tried hard to sort out the country’s road network, especially on the national highway, but it must also ensure the sprucing up of commercial complexes across the country.

Our major highways had become very narrow to accommodate the ever increasing volumes of vehicular traffic. We have witnessed numerous accidents as a result of poor roads and as a result of a combination of factors, among them economic sanctions, we have over the years failed to rehabilitate the roads. They had become death threats!

Major roads projects on the pipeline include the dualisation of Harare-Beitbridge, Harare-Chirundu, Harare-Nyamapanda, Mutare-Harare and the rehabilitation of Beitbridge-Bulawayo-Victoria Falls highway.

But the government had come in to resolve the crisis and it’s commendable.

We strongly believe that it’s high time the government revive the moribund business complexes across the country. They need to be spruced up and illegal activities banned. There is a need for legal order if we are to attract foreign direct investments into the country.

Infrastructure development is very critical in socio and economic development. It’s incumbent upon the government and citizens to shun stupidity and promote infrastructure development. Without it, the country will not move forward.

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