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Mutoko boys begin DeMbare trials

THREE budding youngsters from Mutoko will have the opportunity to further impress Dynamos coach Tonderai Ndiraya and his technical team when they begin a two-week trial with the club this week. 

The three – Charles Katsande, Tinotendaishe Nyamanzi and goalkeeper Hilton Nyamakope – impressed  at the annual KB Kanyongo Football tournament which was held last month in Mutoko.

They were scouted by Ndiraya and his assistant coaches of Gift Muzadzi and Naison Muchekela, who graced the tournament before inviting them for further assessment.

The Glamour Boys has recently turned to youngsters and earlier this year signed a boy from rural Chipinge in Luke Musikiri which eventually opened doors for several other young players at the club like Bill Antonio, Hamilton Gomba among others. 

Ndiraya has already revealed his willingness to sign the boys if they adapt well to the team’s demands.

“Dynamos is a people’s team and we want it to be represented from across the country. So if they come to train with us and make the grade, why not sign them? We have the first team and we also have a developmental side,” Ndiraya said. 

“So we can sign them for our development team. Of course this was a tournament but when they come over to Harare it will be a completely different level. It’s not just a matter of signing them, they will need to train and acclimatise to the environment and if they cope why not sign them?

The tournament which was in its second year and is held in honour of the late Kanyongo, father to the coordinator Gideon, who now resides in United States was won by Dip FC after thumping Kanyongo FC 4-0 in the final.

The KB Kanyongo football tournament, which is sponsored by Kanyongo’s eight children, has been hailed for helping young kids in the community to stay away from drugs while helping them concentrate on school.

Gideon said their objective is to make the tournament national in the near future.

“If funds permits, we hope to make the tournament a national annual event where teams from across the country will converge in Mutoko every year,” Gideon told the Daily News on Sunday.

“It feels really proud to see these youngsters called for trials at such an established club like Dynamos. This is exactly the thrust of our tournament, to expose these kids. This will definitely motivates a lot of youngsters especially from rural areas.

“There are a lot of talented young boys in the rural areas but they lack exposure and that’s where we are coming in. We are looking forward to make the KB Kanyongo tournament a huge event so that talented boys can also be tapped.

“We also want to thank coach Ndiraya and his staff for affording these youngsters a lifetime opportunity to train with Dynamos. The whole community is talking is talking about it and it’s going to motivate a lot of players.

“Even if they don’t make the grade but this opportunity shows we are moving in the right direction.”

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