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Major dam levels rising, 15 full

Dams that are now full include Eastwolds, Blockley, Nyangombe, Kudzwe, Mwarazi, Nyadire, Nyawa, Nyambuya, Tugwane, Sukwe, Claw, Ngondoma, Bangazaan and Nyahangare.

AT least 15 of the country’s major dams are now full following the good rains received across the country in recent weeks with Lake Chivero in Norton already spilling, a Zimbabwe National Water Authority (Zinwa) official has said.

Zinwa corporate communications and marketing manager Marjorie Munyonga at the weekend said water levels in most of the country’s major dams were on an upward trend in response to the rainfall activity being experienced in different parts of the country.

Munyonga, however, said water levels in most dams in the Matabeleland provinces remained depressed. She said as of Wednesday, the national dam level average had risen to 81.2 percent, which was, however, lower than the 82.6 percent recorded during the same week in 2023, a development she attributed to the late start of the 2023/24 rainy season.

“Some of the major dams are now full while Lake Chivero, the major source of water for the City of Harare, is now spilling. Dams that are now full include Eastwolds, Blockley, Nyangombe, Kudzwe, Mwarazi, Nyadire, Nyawa, Nyambuya, Tugwane, Sukwe, Claw, Ngondoma, Bangazaan and Nyahangare,” she said.

Munyonga said Zinwa was closely monitoring inflows into and withdrawals from the dams and reminded all consumers to ensure that their water use is in terms of abstraction agreements in accordance with the law.

“Those wishing to draw water from Zinwa dams are further advised to approach their nearest Zinwa office and sign agreements as no water shall be released to users without agreements,” she said.

The government formed Zinwa in 2000 following the amalgamation of the Department of Water Development and the Regional Water Authority. Its mandate is to manage water for the State and to ensure sustainable development and adequate distribution of the country’s water resources to all Zimbabweans at an affordable price. —New Ziana

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