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App brings doctors home

Michael Zinaka

TELE-HEALTH platform, Tuma. Health, started by Zimbabweans in the United Kingdom is determined to change the way one engages with healthcare practitioners in Africa.

Forget about the hassle of joining slow moving queues to see the medical doctor, Tuma. Health, which is moving with time, has fully embraced technology to promote online health consultations. The organisation is already making some inroads in a number of countries in southern Africa, including in Zimbabwe.

Our Lifestyle Editor Vasco Chaya spoke to Michael Zinaka, the organisation’s operations manager, about how the firm operates and its vision. Below are the excerpts of the interview.

Q. Can you give us a brief overview of what Tuma.Health is all about?

A. Tuma.Health is a digital healthcare platform that offers accessible and comprehensive medical services through its App. It enables users to easily sign up, choose their required medical service, and engage in consultations with healthcare professionals. The platform facilitates remote consultations, catering for those in need of expert medical advice, second opinions on diagnoses, or seeking specialised care providers tailored to their health concerns.

Q. What really inspired the birth of Tuma.Health?

A. Tuma.Health was inspired by the need to provide accessible and cost-effective medical care, especially highlighted during the Covid-19 pandemic. The platform’s creation was driven by the challenges faced by individuals seeking to support loved ones in obtaining diagnoses and medical advice when physical healthcare access was limited. By leveraging remote consultation capabilities, Tuma.Health emerged as a solution to bridge the gap in healthcare delivery, ensuring that individuals can receive the care they need from the safety and comfort of their homes.

Q. What are some of the challenges you faced in penetrating the market?

A. Penetrating the market with Tuma.Health involved navigating several challenges. These included integrating reliable online payment systems, which are essential for digital health services but can be complex due to security concerns and varying global financial infrastructures. Additionally, offering a service that deviates from traditional in-person healthcare required significant efforts in customer education, as potential users were not initially familiar with or trusting remote medical consultations. Overcoming skep[1]ticism about the effectiveness and legitimacy of online health services was a critical hurdle in the platform’s adoption.

Q. And how have you overcome them?

A. To overcome market penetration challenges, Tuma. Health established partnerships with healthcare professionals to ensure the quality and reliability of the services offered. They also provided comprehensive information and guidance for users to easily navigate the platform, enhancing user experience and trust. Additionally, Tuma.Health emphasised accountability in all its services, ensuring that both healthcare providers and users maintain high standards, thereby fostering a sense of security and confidence in the use of their online health consultation services.

Q. What is required for one to be part of the initiative?

A. To be part of the Tuma. Health initiative, experts undergo a registration process that typically involves verification of qualifications and credentials to ensure they are capable of providing professional medical advice. Customers looking to use the service can sign up as users, which likely includes providing some personal and medical information to tailor the service to their needs. The exact require[1]ments can vary, but the aim is to create a seamless and secure experience for both healthcare providers and those seeking medical consultation.

Q. What are the benefits of being part of Tuma. Health?

A. Being part of Tuma Health offers distinct benefits for both experts and customers. Experts gain a platform to extend their professional reach, providing services to a broader audience while benefiting from the flexibility of remote consultations. They can also grow their practice without the overheads of a traditional clinic. For customers, the benefits include convenient access to medical expertise, the ability to seek second opinions, and receive care from the comfort of their own homes, often at a lower cost than in-person visits.

Q. How are medical practitioners responding to Tuma.Health?

A. Medical practitioners are responding enthusiastically to Tuma.Health. They are excited about the potential to leverage on technology for expanding their services and reaching more patients. The platform allows them to provide care efficiently and effectively, embracing the shift to[1]wards digital healthcare delivery.

Q. In Africa, which countries are you operating from?

A. Tuma.Health is currently operational in several African countries and has a strategic goal to expand and partner with all African nations, aiming to offer accessible healthcare services across the continent and support the well-being of its diverse populations.

Q. As a parting shot, what is your advice to the people?

A. As general advice to the public, especially in the context of healthcare and wellness, it is important to stay informed about your health options and take proactive steps towards maintaining good health. Embrace the available technology, like tele-health services, which can offer convenience and expanded access to medical professionals. Always consult with health[1]care providers for personalised advice, and consider digital platforms like Tuma.Health for their potential to provide flexible, cost-effective medical consultations.

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